Nuxt 2 Lifecycle on `nuxt generate`
A quick study on which events in nuxt's lifecycle events run at build time, and which of then run on the client
A quick study on which events in nuxt's lifecycle events run at build time, and which of then run on the client
TL;DR: To comply with Vue.js default style guide
All the solutions for the problems I encountered while working on making a ongoing project, transform itself from 1 website to 4 websites with different builds and a sensible API to control it all.
The infamous "The client-side rendered virtual DOM tree is not matching server-rendered content." error causes a significantly bigger impact than I imagined.
How I debugged my way through the custom alias error, and how to resolve it yourself.
A little help for making basic stuff with functional components in vue, like running methods, where to find the listeners, classes and custom components inside the functional ones.
Disclaimers: Além de tutorial o seguinte conteúdo é uma opnião minha e totalmente pessoal de como deixar seu código perfeitinho e bem organizado, siga por conta e risco. Ao escrever esse post eu estou assumindo que você sabe o que são testes unitários, sabe que testes são muito importantes para a saúde de uma code base, e sabe o que é o lance do Arange>Act>Assert